Going to take the time to take you through when I first left Australia for the wide open world.
‘It’s so hard to leave – until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world’ – John Green
I knew I wanted to leave it all behind and head off on a great adventure. But I made my decision and I have never looked back again. First step was to break free of my life in Brisbane and head down to Thredbo for some snowboarding and then the big leap across the world. I was hooked on travel. I booked the cheapest one way ticket I could book to London.
Arriving to the UK was awesome. I was so happy and excited to be doing what I had always dreamed of. It was fun arriving to a new country and not having anywhere booked to stay that night. It means everything suddenly feels like an adventure, that you have to explore to find what you are looking for. Everyday life just becomes more interesting and exciting when you are traveling. In a new place just going to the grocery store is something new to be discovered, mainly where it is, how to get there and then always the most challenging finding your way back. Living an adventurous life for me isn’t about doing dangerous or crazy things, it’s just about getting out and exploring everything life has to offer.
It doesn’t matter which country you go to or which city you end up in, traveling gave me the happiness and satisfaction that I was missing. You can not put a price on the freedom of wandering the world. Here’s something from Benjamin Franklin that sums it up pretty much exactly -
‘Those who sacrifice Liberty for Security, deserve neither.’
Don’t risk giving up your freedom, for the security of a 9 to 5 week, with the hope you’ll be able to buy the life you want later. Get out there and live it today!
A piece of the Berlin Wall at the Imperial War Museum, London